Monday, September 29, 2014

text lesson 6

  1. Whom did Pauline meet?  Adeline
  2.  Who is Adeline? cousin of Pauline. Pauline's .
  3. Where did they meet? in Chalet metro station.
  4. What did Pauline ask Adeline? what Adeline was doing in Paris.
  5. What did she reply? She left Reims six months ago and she found a job and she is happy in Paris.xxxxx
  6. Where was her enterprise/office? 100 metres from Metro station.
  7. What was she? what was her job? job of a secretary.
  8. Describe he duties:
  9. a bit of intellectual work and a bit of manual work.
  10. She types the text.  use the laptop. get it printed.
  11. Show it to the boss. make corrections if necessary,
  12. Send the letter or the E-mail as required.
  13. Arrange the files. sort out the documents.
  14. Take photocopies.attend the telephones. use Fax machine
  15. a lot of things to do.
  16. and she is happy. and she is proud of the job.
  17. Then what did Pauline do? say bye bye to Adeline.
  18. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  19. Who is the manager of Adeline? Mr.Stephane
  20. What does he ask Adeline? to get the number of Velou
  21. Who gave the number? Adeline

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